The easyCBM website allows a district to have multiple users with the Head Admin role. If you currently have an active Head Admin in your account, they can add other Head Admin users or change another user’s role to Head Admin without submitting a request. Because the easyCBM Head Administrator role can execute actions that cannot be undone (such as deleting students and changing user passwords), it is important to give careful consideration when granting this access.
If there is not an active Head Admin available, please email your changes to
and specify the information below for the new Head Admin.
Employee ID:
Username :
First Name:
Last Name:
Once the information is received the new head admin will be created in your account. They will receive an email to set their password and access the account. After they have logged in, they will want to use the Manage User Accounts option to remove the previous head admin from the system or change their role as needed.