Videos are provided to help to you navigate and learn the easyCBM system. To access these videos, click on the
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The math measures should be administered online, as the student reads each question and selects the best or correct answer.
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The easyCBM assessments are not designed to be used for teacher evaluation. Caution must be used when interpreting student performance
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A variety of different factors impact the growth of individual students during the year. For example: their prior skill level,
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Rate of Improvement (ROI): easyCBM reports Rate of Improvement on the Individual Student Graph. Rate of Improvement (ROI) is the
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We do not recommend the use of a calculator unless a student's IEP stipulates it as an accommodation. For math
(read more...) (xxx = district specific; yy=state), and if the firewall administrators will allow it, *
Because available interventions vary so much from one context to another, and in recognition of the need for educators to
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Progress Monitoring Measures To assign an online progress monitoring measure, go to "Measures" and select the Progress Monitoring Tab. Click
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If you can’t remember your username or password, click on the "Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” link located below the
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