Help Center : District Edition

What is a benchmark?

Benchmark tests are screeners. They are given to students at their grade level to see where they are academically compared to other students in their own grade, at a particular time of year. They indicate how well a student is performing at their actual grade level and help identify students who are performing below the 50th percentile and need assistance.

Benchmark measures by grade level:

Fall: Letter Names (LN), Letter Sounds (LS), Phoneme Segmenting (PS), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Winter: Letter Sounds (LS), Phoneme Segmenting (PS), Word Reading Fluency (WRF), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Spring: Letter Sounds (LS), Phoneme Segmenting (PS), Word Reading Fluency (WRF), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)

Grade 1
Fall: Letter Sounds (LS), Phoneme Segmenting (PS), Word Reading Fluency (WRF), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Winter: Letter Sounds (LS), Word Reading Fluency (WRF), Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Spring: Letter Sounds (LS), Word Reading Fluency (WRF), Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)

Grades 2 – 8
Fall: Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), Vocabulary (Vocab), Proficient Reading (Prof Rdg), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Winter: Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), Vocabulary (Vocab), Proficient Reading (Prof Rdg), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)
Spring: Passage Reading Fluency (PRF), Vocabulary (Vocab), Proficient Reading (Prof Rdg), Basic Math (Basic Mth), Proficient Math (Prof Mth)

Spanish Reading Measures
Spanish language literacy measures are available for kindergarten through grade 8. These measures were developed specifically to be appropriate for assessing students receiving literacy instruction in Spanish and are authentic Spanish literacy measures rather than translations of English measures. The specific test types offered are based on three years of research at the University of Oregon to identify and develop CBMs that specifically address the ways in which Spanish literacy develops.

Kindergarten: Spanish Syllable Sounds (SP_SS), Spanish Syllable Segmenting (SP_SSEG)

Grade 1: Spanish Syllable Sounds (SP_SS), Spanish Syllable Segmenting (SP_SSEG), Spanish Word Reading (SP_WR), Spanish Sentence Reading (SP_SR)

Grade 2: Spanish Word Reading (SP_WR), Spanish Sentence Reading (SP_SR), Spanish Vocabulary (SP_Vocab)

Grade 3-8: Spanish Vocabulary (SP_Vocab)

Last Updated: August 26th, 2021
Filed under: Benchmark,FAQ