Help Center : District Edition


Choosing a progress monitoring measure

The easyCBM system is designed so progress monitoring measures can be used off grade level in order to test at 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , , ]

Where do I find the answer keys?

Progress Monitoring Measures Answer keys are not provided for the progress monitoring measures.  Student scores and responses should be entered 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , ]

About easyCBM Reading Measures

Like all measures on easyCBM®, alternate forms of each reading test were designed to be of equivalent difficulty, so teachers can 
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August 27th, 2021 ... [ , , ]

How can I see the number of licenses used?

The head admin can see the total number of license used for an academic year and the breakdown by building. 
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February 12th, 2016 ... [ , ]

Where can I find the research behind easyCBM?

Our most complete source will be the Technical Reports. Each time we develop an assessment, we write up the process of 
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January 8th, 2016 ... [ , , ]