You can view the actual student test, which shows the correct/incorrect answers, by going to “Reports” and clicking on the
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Assessments that have a season in their title (Vocabulary 3_Fall) are benchmark screening tests and those that end with an
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All of the math items on easyCBM include a read-aloud option, but it does not describe any pictures or graphs
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To have the Spanish language translations of the math measures appear and/or the Spanish language literacy measures, the district administrative
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NCTM Test Alignment The Basic Math assessments are based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focal Point
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The math measures are all based on content standards. The Proficient Math tests are aligned more closely with the Common
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Like all measures on easyCBM®, alternate forms of each math test were designed to be of equivalent difficulty, so teachers
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Researchers at the University of Oregon conducted formal alignment studies to evaluate the alignment of the easyCBM measures to the
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The math measures should be administered online, as the student reads each question and selects the best or correct answer.
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The grades K-8 Proficient Math items are written to address all domains and skills. The easyCBM assessments are fundamental skills
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