Help Center : District Edition


Math Alignment to Common Core State Standards

Researchers at the University of Oregon conducted formal alignment studies to evaluate the alignment of the easyCBM measures to the 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , ]

Does easyCBM have an app?

We do not offer easyCBM on an app, but the system is designed so that it works on iPhones and 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ ]

Testing Time

For all measures, except the timed fluency measures, a student could start, leave, and even come back and finish a 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ ]

Student login

Students log in to access their assigned assessments at your district log-in page (usually your district.your and choose "Students 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , , ]

Student measures

There are two types of student measures, those scored and entered by a teacher and those that are taken online 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , ]

Can a student retake a measure?

The system only allows a student to take a measure once, so that test effects don't come into play, especially 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , , ]

Where is the Item Analysis for math?

The Item Analysis provides the general domain or math construct.  The Item Analysis can be found by going to the 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ ]

How do I print reports?

First, have visible the report you would like to print. Click the "Reports" tab and click the printer icon to 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ , ]

Managing students and organizing groups

All students are assigned to you by the easyCBM district admin via a roster file or Clever integration.  When you 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ ]

Why can’t I administer a benchmark test?

There are two items to consider when administering benchmark screeners. Is the testing window open, and are the tests being 
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August 30th, 2021 ... [ ]